Yes, coach

coachRob continues in a sporting theme …

Where would we be without our coach? How lucky are we to have such a talented and dedicated mentor to gently encourage us to explore and expand our vocal abilities with various techniques and activities, using them to accomplish the final outcome that is desires. With colossal patience and persistence she takes each team section through its individual part and then throws caution to the wind having all parts sing together. Don’t you love that facial expression when we reach the end and are feeling really pleased with ourselves? Her eyes look up to the right, she smiles, ever so slightly, frowns, pauses, and says…. Hmmmm Not Bad!!!!!!

Once we have mastered our individual parts, then starts the perfecting process with the addition of various dynamics and subtleties that suddenly bring the piece we are working on to life. At last we can sit up and feel good about ourselves.

smileyNow we get that huge smile from the coach along with those wide   twinkling eyes and a “Well Done – that was great”

You see we can do it !!!!

Stay tuned. There is more…. The Team Players!!!!!

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