Our Mob

imageThe Blue Mountains Cultural Centre in Katoomba is a peaceful place on a Wednesday morning. A well used library with stunning views. A children’s book club just finishing up. Silence in the art gallery.  People chatting over their lattes in the cafe. One or two shoppers in the gift shop. Mothers with babies in strollers relaxing in the lounge. And it has a wonderful acoustic …

Chris starts singing “rose rose” just outside the library and strolls towards the lounge. Naomi gradually brings in the others. Coffee imagedrinkers rise from their tables and join in. Shoppers turn out to be singers. Before long over 20 singers are in full voice. The astonished regulars look on in amazement, with broad smiles all around.

That was our flashmob. The Heathens much enjoyed joining with other local singers to promote the Blackheath Choir Festival on 22-24 August. There will be other flashmobs closer to the event and over the festival weekend, but I can’t really tell you where and when can I?


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